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Ability Selection

You may find that there are abilities that you don't want to include in your occupational matches. Edit your selections to remove any abilities you want to exclude.

Ability Selection

You can customize your quiz by selecting the specific abilities you want to include – just pick at least one ability to get started.

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Select at least 1 ability

This configuration will give you 50 questions and will take about 25 minutes to complete.

Numbers and Patterns includes 10 abilities related to math, memorizing, and multitasking. It also includes how we perceive patterns, shapes, and distances.

Learn more about the abilities in this set. There may be some that you prefer not to include in your quiz. Remove them by editing the selection below. Abilities that you remove will not be scored when Find Your Fit calculates your occupational matches.

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Numbers and Patterns

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25 min (50 questions)
Select at least 1 ability
The ability to remember information such as words, numbers, pictures, or procedures.
The ability to shift back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information during the same time period (such as speech, sounds, touch, or other sources).
The ability to identify or detect a known pattern such as a figure, object, word, or sound that is hidden in other information or material.
The ability to quickly combine and organize information into meaningful patterns.
The ability to compare, quickly and accurately, similarities and differences among sets of letters, numbers, objects, pictures, or patterns. The things to be compared may be presented at the same time, one after the other, or with a remembered object.
Other Cognitive
The ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted.
The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.
The ability to carry out arithmetical processes accurately such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
The ability to know your location in relation to the environment or know where objects are in relation to you.
The ability to think visually about geometric forms, comprehend the two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional objects and recognize the relationships resulting from the movement of objects in space.