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Alberta Supports Contact Centre

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Government's holiday closure runs from December 24 to January 1, 2025. For emergency supports, please visit or call the Income Support Contact Centre at 1-866-644-5135.

This activity will take you approximately 15 minutes.

Create a picture of the future you want.

It’ll help you make better decisions. It’s easier to work toward something when you have an idea of what it looks like. Use the following exercise to help you clarify what you really want out of life and work.

Read over the following questions:

  • Imagine you have no money challenges. How will you live your life?
  • Imagine you find a magic wand. What kind of life will you create?
  • Imagine you can live the life you want, even for one day. What would it be like?
  • Imagine your life 10 years from now. What does it look like? What have you achieved?

Close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and clear your thoughts.

Now, using one of the questions listed above, imagine your future.

Make your description as clear as possible. This will be recorded in My Career Plan for you to use later. Think about why this vision is important to you and what appeals to you about it. Your answers will contain important clues about your passions, and the things that motivate you.

You may not ever fully achieve your vision, and your vision may change over time. However, having a vision helps you to take stock of your current assets, to choose a direction, to decide what’s important to you. Your vision can broaden your perspective of what’s possible and provide motivation even when things don’t seem to be going well.

If you would like information and referrals about career options, contact Alberta Supports.

This personal information is being collected and used pursuant to section 33(c) and section 39(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is being collected and retained on the system to facilitate your personal career planning process and to make it available for your ongoing use. You may choose to share this information with a Career Advisor to support the provision of career planning services. Please contact alis at or 780-422-1794 if you have any questions regarding the collection or use of the information you submit.