Is a missing credential standing between you and a job? If so, Alberta’s Exposure Course funding may help you get the qualifications you need.
Many jobs have mandatory qualifications that can be gained through a short course. For example, you may need to learn first aid, a specific safety protocol, or how to use a piece of equipment.
Maybe you just had an interview with an employer who offered to hire you if you take a particular course first. Or maybe during your work search you’ve noticed that every job posting in your field requires a type of training you don’t have, and you need to fill that gap in your resumé.
Find out if you’re eligible
To qualify for Exposure Course funding, you must meet these criteria:
- You’re unemployed or marginally employed and job-ready, except for a specific industry-recognized credential.
- You’re an Alberta resident.
- You’re a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or convention refugee legally entitled to work and train in Canada.
- You have a job offer or reasonably expect to get a job within 1 month of completing the course.
What courses can get funding?
Alberta Supports will direct you to where you can get an assessment to see if you qualify for funding.
To be eligible for Exposure Course funding, courses must:
- Be an essential requirement for a specific job
- Be scheduled for completion at a set point in time
- Be monitored by the provider for progress and completion
- Lead to a skill set credential recognized by the industry
- Be offered in Alberta
- Take less than 2 weeks if you’re attending full time
- Take less than 6 weeks if you’re attending part time
You can combine multiple short courses, as long as the total length of the courses doesn’t exceed the maximum number of weeks.
Here are some examples of eligible courses:
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- H2S Alive
- Computer courses required for a specific job (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Standard First Aid
- Fall Protection
- Confined Space
This is not a complete list. Other courses may also qualify for funding.
Eligible Exposure Course example:
Alex is currently unemployed. A friend who works for a local contracting company mentioned that they are always looking for flag persons to direct traffic in construction zones. Alex has previous experience as a flagger but needs to renew her traffic control and WHMIS certifications. Both courses—which each take less than a day—would be considered for Exposure Course funding.
What courses aren’t covered?
Not all courses are eligible for Exposure Course funding. You cannot use it to pay for:
- General courses that offer basic skills training
- Courses that do not lead directly to employment
- Exams that are not part of the course
- A series of courses (e.g., beginner, intermediate, and advanced)
- A course you need to change occupations
- A course that is helpful for a specific job but not an essential job requirement
Remember, the credential needs to be an essential job requirement, not just helpful. If a job posting describes a credential as “an asset,” “nice to have,” or “preferred,” it does not qualify for funding.
Ineligible Exposure Course example:
Samuel plans to apply for a job as a rig camp cook. The job posting requires FoodSafe Level 1 and lists First Aid Level 1 as an asset. The food safety course would be considered for Exposure Course funding because it’s a mandatory qualification, but the first aid course would not.
How much funding can you receive?
The Government of Alberta provides up to $2,500 in Exposure Course funding per 12-month period (January 1 to December 31).
How to apply
To apply for Exposure Course funding, contact Alberta Supports a few weeks before you want to take the training. Provide the following details:
- Your name
- Your phone number and email address
- The town or city where you live
- The course you want to take, including location, dates, and cost
Once you are approved for Exposure Course funding, you will be responsible for attending and completing the course. You must be willing to confirm your attendance at the course and provide updates on your employment status as requested.
Move forward with your work search
Don’t let a missing credential hold you back. Continuous learning and upskilling are key to success in any career journey. Alberta’s Exposure Course funding is designed to remove the last hurdle between you and your next job—so take advantage of it!