New Career Plan Sharing Feature
The new Career Plan sharing feature on alis allows clients to share their Career Plans with career development professionals who are helping them plan. This allows you to work collaboratively with your clients by reviewing their plans within alis and directing them to further resources on the site.
To use this new feature, ask your client to sign in to their alis account, go to the “My Profile” tab, and enter your email in the “Give access to my account” section of the page. You’ll receive an email alert with a link to sign in to your alis account. Once you’ve signed in, go to the “Account Access” tab and click “Browse as User” beside the account you’d like to access. You can now access the information within each tab of your client’s Career Plan.
If they don’t already have one, your clients can sign up for a free alis account online, where they’ll be able to save information about their Career Plan. This can include information they’ve provided as part of career planning exercises, interactive worksheets, jobs alerts, as well as their progress through step-by-step guides. A client’s free account will also list the articles, videos, occupations, and educational programs they have flagged as favourites throughout the site as well.
If you have questions about this new feature, feedback, or ideas regarding alis and how you can better integrate it into your work, let us know by contacting the team directly:
- Email—
- Phone—780-422-1794 (for toll-free access in Alberta, first dial 310-0000)
- Online—through our feedback form