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Engineering, Architecture, Science and Technology

Interior Designer

Licensed interior designers create and enhance interior spaces. They aim to improve quality of life, increase productivity, and protect public health, safety, and welfare.


Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)
Duggan House
10515 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T6E 4S1

Call: 780-432-0224



Under Alberta’s Architects Act [pdf] and Architects Act General Regulation [pdf], registration with the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) is mandatory. Only licensed interior designers may:

  • Engage in the practice of interior design as defined in the Act and Regulation
  • Use the title Licensed Interior Designer
  • Use the term Licensed Interior Designer or any derivative to describe services provided
  • Affix a Licensed Interior Designer seal or stamp to architectural documents

You do not have to be licensed if you do not carry out any of the above. However, you must clearly articulate the limited scope of services you are permitted to provide.

What You Need

To register as a licensed interior designer (LID) in Alberta, you need:

  • An intern interior designer designation
  • An acceptable registered architect (RA) or LID mentor
  • 3,720 hours of approved work experience at an AAA registered firm or corporation directly supervised by an RA or LID who is not your mentor
  • Successful completion of approved examinations, including the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) examination
  • Successful completion of the AAA’s mandatory online legislation courses
  • A successful oral interview with the AAA

To become an intern interior designer (IID), you need a Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accredited degree in interior design or equivalent.

For details about all registration requirements, contact the AAA or visit the AAA website.

Working in Alberta

Interior designers who are certified by and in good standing with a regulatory organization elsewhere in Canada may be eligible for certification in Alberta if certified interior designers in Alberta and the jurisdiction which applicant originates have similar responsibilities and competencies. For more information, see What if I am already certified in another province or territory? and the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) website.

The certification information in this profile may change at any time and without notice. Before making any career decisions, we advise you to contact the regulatory organization or visit their website for the most updated information.

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