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Government's holiday closure runs from December 24 to January 1, 2025. For emergency supports, please visit or call the Income Support Contact Centre at 1-866-644-5135.

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Search Tips

Please use this information to help when searching:

  • Searches are not case sensitive.
  • Narrow your search:
    • Put search terms in quotation marks. If you don’t use quotation marks, then each term is seen as a separate item. e.g. Resume Writing Course - The search retrieves all articles containing the terms “Resume” or “Writing” or “Course” or any combination of these terms.
    • Use AND, OR, NOT or combination.
  • AND will only retrieve articles that contain both of the search terms you entered.
    E.g. To find information on “career planning” for “newcomers”, use “career planning” AND “newcomers”.
  • OR will broaden a search to include all articles that contain the keywords entered.
    E.g. A search for the Career Information Hotline (CIH) might use “Career Information Hotline” OR “CIH”.
  • NOT will narrow a search by excluding unwanted terms.
    E.g. To find articles on “funding” but not within the context of scholarships, use “funding” NOT “scholarships”.
  • Combining search operators in various ways can also narrow searches.
    For example:
    • “child care” AND “job search” NOT “child care subsidy”
    • “changing jobs” OR “job loss” AND “mature worker”.
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