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Alberta Supports Contact Centre

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Identify Your Experiences
Step 1 of 2

This activity will take you approximately 10 minutes.

Take a moment to think about things you've done that make you feel proud.

These experiences could have taken place recently or some time ago. They could be drawn from any area of your life:

  • Work
  • Home
  • Learning
  • Volunteering
  • Leisure activities

Choose experiences where you did something and were proud of the result. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thought about the experience or even if anyone else knew about it. The important thing is that you did it, and it made you feel proud.

It isn’t always easy to think of experiences that are significant to you. Take as much time as you need to complete this exercise. You can always enter some information now, save it, and return later to add more details. Include as many details as you can about what you did, why you did it, and why it made you feel good.

In each of your stories:

  • Look for clues about your personal characteristics. For example, were you… a positive thinker, co-operative, courteous, dependable/reliable, persistent...
  • Identify any knowledge, skills and abilities you had to use. 
  • Identify any interests, values, or beliefs your stories may indicate.

If you would like information and referrals about career options, contact Alberta Supports.

Write About Your Significant Experiences

Significant Experience {{n}}

This personal information is being collected and used pursuant to section 33(c) and section 39(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is being collected and retained on the system to facilitate your personal career planning process and to make it available for your ongoing use. You may choose to share this information with a Career Advisor to support the provision of career planning services. Please contact alis at or 780-422-1794 if you have any questions regarding the collection or use of the information you submit.