This activity will take you approximately 15 minutes.
Create a Timeline
In Step 3 you identified the supporting tasks that enable you to complete key tasks related to your chosen occupation.
In Step 4, you will decide whether each item is something you can do now or is something you need to research further.
You can also create a timeline for each item on your list, using the calendar tool on this page.
Timelines are powerful. They help you make changes in your life. When you say you will finish tasks according to a timeline, the tasks become real and you can get them done.
You can return to this step, or any of the Take Action steps, to change your plans at any time.
Changing your plans doesn't mean you won't achieve them. It doesn't mean that you've made bad choices. It simply means that life is giving you feedback that can help you re-evaluate after you've been living with your plans for a while.
Consider each item on your list. Determine whether you can do it now or whether it requires additional research. Click in the column that best describes it.
Think realistically about when you might be able to complete this task. Use the calendar tool in the last column to assign a completion date.
Your timelines from the chart will go to My Career Plan . You can print them from there.
If you would like to talk to someone about assigning a timeline to your key and supporting tasks, contact an Alberta Supports Coordinator .
Chosen Occupational Option: