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Junior Forest Rangers

Crew Leaders-in-Training

The JFR Leaders in Training (LIT) program is a new and exciting opportunity for past JFR Crew Members (including former second years) or those with similar experience to step into a leadership pathway within the JFR program. 

We are no longer accepting applications for the LIT position. 


As an LIT, you will work closely with a Crew Leader and Sub Leader, giving you the opportunity to develop your leadership skills, taking on responsibilities such as:

  • Assisting your leaders with training, supervising, and directing all crew members
  • Assisting your leaders with completing administrative tasks, such as weekly reports, timesheets, and safety reports
  • Promoting team building and a positive, inclusive outdoor experience
  • Conducting maintenance and inventory inspections of all equipment and performing regular tool maintenance
  • Outlining safety standards and procedures and being a positive role model for crew members


Minimum requirements include:

  • Minimum of 17 years of age
  • A minimum of one season as a JFR Crew Member or similar (e.g., Junior Forest Wardens, Scouts, Cadets etc.)
  • Demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and outdoor experience
  • Standard First Aid and Level C CPR certifications or equivalent (please provide a copy with your application)
Learn more about applying for a Crew Leader in Training position on our APPLICATIONS PAGE

Training and Certifications

Leaders in Training will take part in a 3-day training period specifically for LIT's in July, consisting of in-class and field exercises, followed by attending JFR Crew Member training. There may also be an opportunity to attend JFR Leader Training if it works within LIT's schedules. JFR program staff and other professionals organize training sessions to provide leaders with new skills, safety preparedness tips and program insights. 


Some of the training and certifications that LIT's may take part in include:

Brushsaw safety Bushcraft
Conflict resolution and team building Chainsaw safety *
Hand tool safe use and maintenance Incident command system 100 *
Leadership Wildfire orientation
Hunters education * First aid and CPR C *
ATV training * Canoe skills *

*Only certain crews will take part in these courses.



The JFR summers are planned and organized by our Crew Leaders and Sub Leaders! The three core elements of Stewardship, Leadership, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge are taken into consideration when planning a summer calendar. Our Crew Leaders network with professionals in local organizations, industry, and different government branches to put together a summer full of educational, meaningful and challenging projects.

The summer is full of work projects where members gain experience. We aim for a 70% work projects and 30% educational projects split.


Work Project Examples   |    Education Project Examples
Community and legacy projects Canoe certification
FireSmart   Fish hatchery tour
Habitat and ecosystem restoration First Aid and CPR C
Invasive species removal  Helicopter ride
Seed collection Lumber mill and cut block tour
Trail building and maintenance Radio Operators Certificate (ROC-A)
Tree planting Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Wildfire pump lab Wildfire orientation and lookout tower education

Each Forest Area has unique opportunities and no summer is quite like the last! No matter where you are stationed, you are bound to have a memorable summer.

Learn more about each Forest Area
Have questions about the JFR Leaders in Training position? Send us an email!

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