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Junior Forest Rangers


Lilly is a part of our super Grande Prairie Crew this season! Read on to learn more about their summer so far.


Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hi! I’m Lilly, and I’m a part the Grande Prairie Crew for the 2022 season. I’m from Red Deer, Alberta, and will be going into grade 12 in September. Some of my hobbies include reading, camping, and playing the Sims 4 longer than I probably should. I’m a part of my school’s improv team, and it’s something I’m pretty passionate about. I have a lot of fun doing it, so I’m glad I get to show my crew mates improv over the summer.


How has your experience been so far with JFR?

It’s been absolutely wonderful! Signing up, I knew it would be a lot of fun, but as the summer goes on it gets better and better. Some of the projects I didn’t think I’d like have been some of my favorite so far. I’m definitely going to try and persuade my little brother into joining when he’s old enough.


What makes you happy?

In general, spending time with my friends and family. It’s been hard to not see my family for the majority of the summer, but I’m glad that the Firebase usually has enough service to make calls. On base, reading a good book in front of the John Graham Memorial Cabin makes me happy. It’s got the perfect amount of sun, and it’s also away from everything when you need a little bit of quiet time. Spending time with my crew members always manages to put a smile on my face.


Describe what JFR means to you in 5 words or less.

Having fun while being yourself.


What do you like most about your crew mates?

My crew mates are some of the most funny, accepting, and caring individuals I have ever met. They have made JFR one of the best experiences of my life. I know I can always rely on them, whether it’s when we’re working or when I just need a good laugh. I don’t think I would be having as much fun as I am if it wasn’t for these magnificent people that are the Grande Prairie crew.


Thanks for sharing Lilly!

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