Aljon is one of 6 wonderful members on the Fort McMurray crew this summer.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
Yo, I’m Aljon, or known by the JFR as AJ. I just turned 17 and have learned to be more mature as the month’s pass by. I find to be more in touch with the outdoors and nature itself as I learn to live away from the city. I’m usually known for my short stature and a unique personality.
How has your experience been so far with JFR?
JFR has been an amazing experience. You get to learn many skills and opportunities all of which I have found intriguing! The diversity in JFR allows you to meet many people who each have their own unique traits, which goes to say it brings lots of great dynamics.
What brings you joy?
Quite a couple things bring me joy, but what I’m known for is mushroom foraging. There has been an outrageous number of new mushrooms I’ve found in my time at Fort McMurray and trust me when I say my group has gotten into the diversity of the Fungi world. Other than that, I enjoy doing archery on my free time at base and getting to hangout with my crew of fun individuals. My favorite work project this summer was Trail Building!
Describe what JFR means to you in 5 words or less!
Sayonara boredom! What’s up JFR!
How do you see yourself using skills you have picked up this summer in your future?
I’m certain I’ll be using the skills for my future. Many skills such as first aid, ATV training, and the use of power tools and hand tools will be useful in my future endeavors. I have learned some great life lessons such as leadership and stewardship; both have helped me become a better person and taught me to be more responsible as an individual and as a team member.