Zoey is one of seven awesome members on our Peace River crew this year!
Tell us a little about yourself!
I am a 16-year-old high school student living in Drayton Valley. I am interested in archaeology and all things relating to history. In the future I would love to get a career in either archeology or environmental reclamation. Both I am very passionate about and cannot choose between them.
Why did you apply to the JFR program?
I wanted a job this summer that I could learn from and build friendships. I did a lot of research and found JFR. It ended up meeting both of those needs and so much more. I love anything to do with the outdoors and so many work projects perfectly lined up with things I'd like to pursue, with learning abilities and more team building skills than I could ever ask for.
What brings you joy?
Something that brings me the ultimate joy in life is making others smile. I strive to be a very happy and funny person and to make other people feel that way makes my day. Even getting a little chuckle from something I do or say out of someone will completely change my day. I love to make others forget about their problems and just be in the moment and enjoying .
Please describe what JFR means to you in five words or less.
Once in a lifetime opportunity.
What is your favorite thing about your crewmates?
My crew has been such a supportive and open group of people. Not only are they all willing to put themselves last for the team but they are just over all amazing people to hang out with. Many are very funny, and we bounce off each other perfectly and in total make it an amazing work environment.