Optometrists assess, diagnose, treat, and correct disorders and diseases of the human eye.
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Doctor, Eye Doctor
In Canada, the federal government groups and organizes occupations based on a National Occupational Classification (NOC) system. This alis occupation may not reflect the entire NOC group it is part of. Data for the NOC group can apply across multiple occupations.
The NOC system is updated every 5 years to reflect changes in the labour market. Government forms and labour market data may group and refer to an occupation differently, depending on the system used.
Here is how this occupation has been classified over time.
2006 NOC
2006 NOC-S
2011 NOC
2016 NOC
2021 NOC
2023 OaSIS
In general, optometrists:
Optometrists may also:
Optometrists work in a variety of settings. They may work in rural or urban areas. Many are self-employed and work in offices. Others work in shops. Some work evenings and weekends. Optometrists with established practices tend to stay at the same location throughout their careers.
They most often work with receptionists, ophthalmic assistants, and opticians. They spend most of their working hours in artificial lighting.
In Alberta, this occupation is part of 1 or more 2006 National Occupational Classification (NOC) groups. If there are multiple related NOC groups, select a NOC heading to learn about each one.
Interest in operating specialized instruments such as ophthalmoscopes and biomicroscopes to conduct eye examinations
Interest in speaking to educate and counsel patients on contact lens use and care, visual hygiene, lighting arrangements, working distance and other safety factors
Interest in analyzing data collected from eye examinations to determine the type of prescription required, and to refer patients to ophthalmologists and other physicians and surgeons for treatment of ocular or other diseases or conditions
To identify or change your interest codes, complete the Interests Exercise in CAREERinsite.
The interest code helps you figure out if you’d like to work in a particular occupation.
It’s based on the Canadian Work Preference Inventory (CWPI), which measures 5 occupational interests: Directive, Innovative, Methodical, Objective, and Social.
Each set of 3 interest codes for this NOC group is listed in order of importance.
A code in capital letters means it’s a strong fit for the occupation.
A code in all lowercase letters means the fit is weaker.
To fill in or change the values for your abilities, complete the Abilities Exercise in CAREERinsite.
A Quick Guide
You are born with abilities that help you process certain types of information and turn it into action. These abilities influence which skills you can learn more easily.
The abilities or aptitudes shown for this NOC group come from the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB). The GATB measures 9 aptitudes. It groups them into 3 categories: mental, visual, and physical.
The abilities scores range from 1 to 5, with 5 being stronger.
Optometrists need:
They should enjoy:
The minimum requirement for optometrists is a 4-year doctor of optometry (OD) degree. Many applicants for optometry programs have a 3- or 4-year bachelor of science (B.Sc.) degree. Several universities and colleges in Alberta offer B.Sc. programs and courses that will satisfy entrance requirements to optometry programs.
The following schools offer programs and courses that meet this occupation’s educational requirements. Other eligible programs and courses may be available.
To expand or narrow your program options, visit Post-Secondary Programs and start your search with:
Completing a program does not guarantee entrance into an occupation. Before enrolling in an education program, prospective students should look into various sources for education options and employment possibilities. For example, contact associations and employers in this field.
The optometry degree program is also offered in French at the University of Montreal in Quebec.
Certain professional titles or duties within this occupation are protected by provincial legislation. Requirements vary if you use these titles or perform these duties.
The related legislation is shown below. If there are multiple related legislations, select a certification heading to learn about each one.
Optometrists examine, assess, measure and diagnose disorders and diseases of the human visual system, the eye and its associated structures; provide and prescribe treatment, management and correction; act as consultants to other health care providers; and conduct research and promote education in the visual sciences.
Under Alberta's Health Professions Act [pdf] and Optometrists Profession Regulation [pdf], registration with the Alberta College of Optometrists (ACO) is mandatory if you meet identified competency requirements and provide professional services directly to the public, teach the practice of the profession to members or students of the profession, or supervise registered members who provide services to the public. Registered members who are authorized by the College perform restricted activities specified in the Regulation. Only registered members may call themselves Optometrists.
For information on what you need and other details, visit the certification profile Optometrist.
Source: 2021-2025 Alberta Regional Occupational Demand Outlook
After graduation, an optometrist may:
If they have joined a practice, they may become a partner or owner. They may save enough funds to set up their own practice. Optometrists who continue their education can move into research or teaching roles. They may also work in vision science or the biomedical sciences.
This section shows the industries where the majority of people in this occupation work. The data is based on the 2016 Census.
In Alberta, this occupation is part of 1 or more 2016 National Occupational Classification (NOC) groups.
2016 NOC: 3121
92.7% of people in this occupational group work in:
NOC groups often include several related occupations. Although there is labour market data for the larger NOC group, this occupation makes up only a part of that group. It means data for this occupation may be different than the data shown. For examples, see Note.
This section shows the short-term demand forecasted for this occupation in Alberta over a 3-year period. It also shows the number of people employed in the occupation.
In Alberta, this occupation is part of 1 or more 2021 National Occupational Classification (NOC) groups.
Source: 2024-2026 Alberta Short-Term Employment Forecast
NOC groups often include several related occupations. Although there is labour market data for the larger NOC group, this occupation makes up only a part of that group. It means data for this occupation may be different than the data shown. For examples, see Note.
To see data for all occupations, visit Occupations in Demand.
This section shows the employment outlook for this occupation in Alberta over a 5-year period.
Employment outlook is influenced by a wide variety of factors including:
In Alberta, this occupation is part of 1 or more 2016 National Occupational Classification (NOC) groups.
Source: 2021-2025 Alberta Regional Occupational Demand Outlook
Annual growth is from 2021 to 2025. New positions created each year are in addition to job openings created by employment turnover.
NOC groups often include several related occupations. Although there is labour market data for the larger NOC group, this occupation makes up only a part of that group. It means data for this occupation may be different than the data shown. For examples, see Note.
Employment turnover is expected to increase as members of the baby boom generation retire over the next few years.
Income levels for optometrists in partnerships or group practices increase every year after graduation. Income levels for those employed by others remain quite flat.
Alberta Association of Optometrists website: www.optometrists.ab.ca
Alberta College of Optometrists website: collegeofoptometrists.ab.ca
Canadian Association of Optometrists website: opto.ca
Get information and referrals about career, education, and employment options from Alberta Supports.
Updated Mar 31, 2024. The information contained in this profile is current as of the dates shown. Salary, employment outlook, and educational program information may change without notice. It is advised that you confirm this information before making any career decisions.