Are you ready to look for work? Do you have the skills employers want? Are you thinking about taking some training? Use the resources on this page to connect with services to reach your employment goals.
- Find an employer or training organization through the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program provider in your area.
- If you’re a First Nations person living on reserve, ask about employment programs through your band.
- If you’re a Métis person, the Rupertsland Institute: Métis Centre of Excellence provides employment training and services province-wide, with full-time offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Red Deer, Bonnyville, High Prairie, Medicine Hat and Slave Lake, and part-time offices and mobile services in additional locations.
- Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society employment programs assist Indigenous peoples with finding and maintaining employment.
- Oteenow Employment and Training Society offers employment and training services to First Nations people in the Edmonton area.
- Trade Winds to Success provides a 16-week pre-apprenticeship training program to First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.
- Women Building Futures offers training, employment and mentorship services for women in the construction, maintenance, and driving industries.
- Aboriginal Futures Career and Training Centre provides education, training and employment services to urban Indigenous peoples.
- The City of Calgary's Youth Employment Centre provides employment resources for Indigenous youth, including the services of an Indigenous outreach worker.
- Trade Winds to Success provides a 16-week pre-apprenticeship training program to First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.
Medicine Hat and Lethbridge
- Saamis Aboriginal Employment and Training Association provides programs and services for Métis and First Nations people.
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