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Reflect on Your Career Plan
1 Activity

At any point in the career planning process, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. You're gathering information, identifying and comparing options, thinking about next steps. When you're engaged in this process, you're balancing many large and small concerns that could have a profound effect on your future.

It's a good idea to pause and reflect on where you are, keeping these points in mind:

  • Career planning is an ongoing process. In a world where everything is constantly changing, your career path will change, too.
  • You don't have to decide anything right now. You can repeat the career planning process as often as you want.
  • None of the time you spend identifying and researching your preferences and your options is ever wasted. With each quiz you take and each website you visit, you learn a bit more about yourself and your career path.
  • When you select 1 career option to pursue, you are not eliminating the other options. You can always change your mind, go back to other options or return to what you've been doing up until now.

Try these suggestions

  • If you haven't completed the self-assessment quizzes on this website, now is a good time to do them.
  • If you haven't explored several career options, including those that may seem like a long shot at this point, why not start exploring now?
  • Make sure your career options fit with your vision of the future. Focus on your vision with this exercise.
  • For advice or a referral to a real, live career counsellor at a career centre near you, call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre.

Recognize that change is often challenging. Learn how to make the most of change.

If you're feeling discouraged, learn how to move forward with positive thoughts.

If it's not the right time for you to be making major changes in your career path, you can still work toward your vision of the future a little at a time:

  • Return to this website often. Use the quizzes to help you refocus. Explore in new directions regularly.
  • Take just a few minutes every day to read an article, check out a website related to your career options or make contact with someone in your network.
  • Continue to read and learn. Discover different decision-making strategies. Explore opportunities for career laddering. Find ways to fit everything into your busy school schedule.

If you feel like you've identified an occupational option you'd like to pursue, it's time to move on to Take Action.