While you’re looking at programs and schools, take some time to look at what jobs are available for graduates.
Doing so will help you be practical about your education and training choices. After all, you want to find work when you’re done.
Some industries are growing. Others are getting smaller. There are now jobs that didn’t even exist when you were a child. Other jobs have disappeared almost completely. Maybe you want to go into the business field. Are accountants getting work? Maybe you’re leaning toward the trades. Will there be work in your trade when you’re finished school? Talk to some potential employers. Ask what they look for in a worker and whether they’ve hired lately.
Talk to employers
As you look at education and training options, be sure that you talk to some employers. Think about the places where you would like to work. Do they hire graduates from the program you’re thinking about? What training do they require?
Make a list of employers to talk to by interviewing school advisors, asking people you know, doing an online search, or checking business directories. Then call the employers on your list. Explain why you are calling to the person who answers and ask them if you can be directed to someone that can answer your questions.
The next worksheet is a good starting point for deciding what questions to ask. You can click "Add Activity" at the bottom of the worksheet to create a new sheet for each employer you speak with.