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Alberta Supports Contact Centre

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Look for Work

“I have a job interview. How do I prepare?”


Follow these 4 tips for a successful job interview:

  1. Prepare by researching the company, understanding the job expectations, and anticipating the employer’s questions and concerns. Review your resumé so you’re ready to describe how your experience and skills match the employer’s needs. Be ready to highlight your strengths. Be prepared to explain any perceived weaknesses you may have and the steps you’ve taken to address them. And understand your rights with regard to what types of questions are appropriate for an employer to ask.
  2. Practise by rehearsing the answers to the questions you expect to be asked. Say your answers out loud and record yourself so you know what you sound like. Ask a friend to role-play the interview with you and pay attention to your body language. Practise making eye contact and looking relaxed, confident, and interested.
  3. Present yourself well. It goes without saying that you need to be neat, clean, well groomed, and appropriately dressed. You should also avoid wearing scents. Be sure to show up on time, turn off your cellphone, greet the interviewers with a confident smile and a firm handshake, and stay standing until you’re offered a chair.
  4. Participate in the conversation. Listen closely and answer questions thoughtfully. Use a pen and paper to take notes—and take the initiative if you need to. It’s OK to gently guide the conversation to showcase how your qualifications relate to the job. Be polite, direct, and sincere. After the interview, send a thank-you note or email that highlights 2 or 3 reasons why you’re the best person for the job.
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An alis staff member will review your question and respond via email. If it’s something that can help others look for work, explore careers, or succeed on the job, a version of your question and answer may even be added to the site.

Your privacy is important. If your question is published to alis, your identity will remain anonymous. Your email address and any other personally identifiable information will not be posted to the site.

If you require immediate assistance, please call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1-877-644-9992.

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