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Government's holiday closure runs from December 24 to January 1, 2025. For emergency supports, please visit or call the Income Support Contact Centre at 1-866-644-5135.

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My Career Plan

My Career Plan is a personal record of all career planning activities from Know Yourself, Explore Options, Make Your Decision, and Take Action sections of the site. At any time you can view or print this career plan and see your progress.

NOTE: Information that you have completed and saved to your account on legacy CAREERinsite will be available here. However, we encourage you to consider re-doing the exercises to ensure accurate rankings of occupational matches, and more complete results.

My Quizzes & Activities

This section gives you a high level view of your progress as it relates to the available quizzes and activities. Review your results or jump back in and finish up a quiz in progress.

Know Yourself
My Interest Codes

Your work-related interests are an part important of being satisfied with your career. Rank the activities in this exercise to see what your interests are.

Interests Matching Occupations

Based on your results, you'll be linked to occupations related to your top interests.

My Abilities

Abilities are the things that naturally come easy for you. Complete this exercise to rate your abilities. 

Abilities Matching Occupations

Based on your results, you'll be linked to occupations related to your top abilities.

My Core Skills

You have not completed the core skills exercise yet.

My Work Values

When your career and your values are in line you're more likely to feel fulfilled. In this exercise discover your work values.

My Significant Experiences

In this exercise you will reflect on your experiences to gain an understanding of your skills and traits and how you can apply them to the career planning process.

My Skills

This exercise will help you identify the skills you described as a part of  your significant experiences.

My Traits

Complete this exercise to identify the traits that played a part in your significant experiences.

My Preferred Working Conditions

Complete this quiz to help you form a clear picture of the kind of workplace you could thrive in.

My Types of Intelligence

Complete this quiz to find out about your unique style of thinking and understanding.

My Vision

Use the following exercise to help you clarify what you really want out of life and work.

Explore Options
My Career Options Research

Save notes or ideas for career research here in your plan. Consider checking out websites, magazines, books, videos, television shows, newspapers, and blogs.

My Industries and Sectors

My Organizations

Learn about organizations and businesses to get ideas to focus on in your career plan.

My Occupations

Make notes of your favourite occupations. Exploring an occupation will help you learn more about day-to-day work, training and education, job trends, potential wages and so much more.

My Network

Create a list of organizations and companies you might approach to expand your network.

My Informational Interviews

My Hands-On Experience

Complete these exercises to identify careers to try before choosing a career option.

My Formal and Informal Learning

Save ideas and notes for learning opportunities. Both  formal and informal learning provide skills and experience.

My Job Shadowing or Working

Saves notes and ideas for job shadowing. Trying jobs you’re interested in is one of the best ways to explore.

My Volunteering

Save notes and ideas for volunteering. Like paid work, volunteering allows you to find out more about occupations and industries.

Make Your Decision
My Chosen Occupations

Compare My Occupational Options

My Learning Requirements

My Working Requirements

My Resources for Handling Challenges

Take Action
My Chosen Occupations

Identify key and supporting tasks required for the occupation. These tasks may be learning goals or gaining work or other experience.

My Stay Motivated