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Inspire and Motivate

Are you a guardian, educator or counsellor, or a career advisor? Discover valuable resources to help your clients, students, children, and the people in your community as they plan and achieve their career goals. Check out additional resources for specific audiences and careers to inspire and motivate!

Alis Tutorial Videos

Learn how to use alis at your own pace. Watch these short videos to get to know how to use the many resources alis has to offer.

"How to share your alis account" video title screen

How to share your alis account (1:39)

Learn how to give someone else read-only access to your alis account.

"How to view a shared alis account" video title screen

How to view a shared alis account (2:11)

Learn how to view an alis account that someone shared with you.

Parents and Guardians

Father looking at a tablet with his son.

Encourage Your Teens to Explore Career Options

In the second step of the career planning process, your teens will gather information about the career options that are open to them. As their career coach, you can connect them to resources and activities that will help them learn about different industries, occupations, and workplace trends.
Youth and adult looking at a laptop together

Resources for Parents: Help Your Children Plan Their Careers

As a parent, you can help your child make career choices by offering your knowledge and experience. But your child may need more information. Use these resources to help your them make the most of their career options.

Educators and Counsellors

Career Advisors

Low Literacy Resources for Career Advisors

If you offer career planning help to adults with low literacy or English language skills, these resources can help.

Career Advisors: Easy Reading Jobs Grouped by Common Occupation Name

Use this chart to quickly find Easy Reading job profiles by the occupation name your client(s) might ask about or by the occupation title used in the occupational profile.

Career Advisors: Easy Reading Jobs Grouped by Occupational Cluster

Use this chart to find occupations suitable for adults with low literacy. Within each cluster, you can quickly find out which jobs have a related Easy Reading job profile, are described in the Other Jobs to Think About section of the Easy Reading profiles, or have a related alis occupational profile.

Career Advisors: Easy Reading Job Profiles at a Glance

Use this chart to find the Easy Reading job profile name, the related occupational profile name, other common names for the occupation, similar jobs appropriate for adults with low literacy, related career videos, or the related Easy Reading occupational cluster.

Career Services

Learn more about the different career services that are available throughout Alberta and across Canada.

Career Development Association of Alberta

The members of this self-regulated professional association provide high-quality career development services to help individuals and companies achieve their potential.
Youth and adult discussion in an office with computer

CERIC: Advancing Career Development in Canada

CERIC is a charitable organization that advances education and research in career counselling and career development, to increase the economic and social well-being of Canadians.

Professional Development

Inspire and Motivate

What Works: Career-Counselling Strategies for Diverse Clients

Are you a career counsellor? Discover context, theory, and practical career counselling tips for working with diverse client groups.

Additional Resources

Interactive Worksheets

These interactive worksheets, including exercises, quizzes, and checklists, are tools that help you plan your career, look for work, explore education, succeed at work, and more. Convenient and easy to fill out, answers can be saved, printed, or emailed.

Post-Secondary Education and Training Testimonials

Need help getting motivated? View these videos to see first hand how people just like you are pursuing education or training after high school.

Smiling person

Outreach Material

Order outreach materials to use as educational tools or to promote alis resources to others. Materials are available in 3 sizes.
Students high fiving in a library

Explorer les ressources en français

Un nombre limité de ressources produites par alis sont maintenant offertes en français.

Tools and Resources

Resources For Specific Audiences

In addition to alis's career, learning, and employment advice for all Albertans, these pages provide added supports for specific audiences. You’ll find information for each audience grouped by key topics, such as planning your career, exploring education, and looking for work. 

Careers to Inspire and Motivate

Career and Technology Studies Teacher

Do you have a genuine interest in young people and want to teach? Are you also interested in media, information technology or the trades? Then you may want to instruct yourself to become a career and technology studies teacher.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
4 years post-secondary

Career Development Professional

Do you like meeting people and learning about their interests? Do you get excited by the idea of inspiring people to make education and career choices? Then becoming a career development professional may be the inspiration you are looking for.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education

College, Technical or Vocational Instructor

Are you passionate about helping adults learn and achieve their goals? Do you have good oral and written communication skills? Then becoming a college, technical, or vocational instructor may fit your own career aspirations.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
2 years post-secondary

Community Disability Services Practitioner

Do you like helping other people? Are you a good motivator? Do you have a positive attitude? Then a career as a community disability services practitioner may motivate you.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
1 year post-secondary

Economic Development Officer

Do you enjoy working with entrepreneurs and businesses? Are you good at networking and motivating others? Then you may want to develop a career as an economic development officer.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
4 years post-secondary

Educational Assistant

Do you like supporting others? Are you interested in working with students who have special needs? Then becoming an educational assistant may be the career for you.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
1 year post-secondary

Educational Counsellor

Do you have a genuine interest in helping students? Are you a good listener? Then you may want to guide yourself toward a career as an educational counsellor.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
6 years post-secondary

Elementary School Teacher

Are you resourceful and patient? Do you have a natural way with children? Then you may want to educate yourself on a career as an elementary school teacher.

5-Year Forecast
Avg. Wage
Min. Education
4 years post-secondary

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