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Losing a job is one of the most stressful things a person can face. But taking care of a few important tasks in the first few weeks can protect you and help you feel more in control of your situation.
Use this checklist to make sure you've dealt with the most important things right after losing your job. The sections on this checklist correspond to the 5 things to take care of in What to Do First After Job Loss.
When you lose your job, it can be upsetting. But remember that you’re not alone and there are supports available to help you.
Use this checklist as you deal with your reactions to job loss. The sections on this checklist correspond to the 5 tips in How to Cope with Job Loss.
When people feel they have lost control over their lives, they sometimes compensate by becoming overly critical of people and things around them. Do you have this tendency?
It's important to take care of yourself and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Are you paying attention to your body?
If your career is making you feel sad or anxious, you’re not alone. Learn what to do when you face mental health issues on the job.
It’s important to keep things in perspective and to stay as positive as you can. What are you saying to and about yourself?
Feelings of frustration, depression, worry, and anger will come and go as you adjust to losing your job. How did you feel right after losing your job? How are you feeling now?
Caring for yourself and nurturing your spirit will help you cope with the challenges in your life. Think of the things you enjoy doing, and make time to treat yourself to them.
No one makes it alone. Give others a chance to help you cope with your job loss.
Different strategies work for different people. Give your self-esteem a boost by making 1 or more of these lists.
When you’ve lost your job, you may want—or need—to find another job right away. But taking the time to explore all your options now could help you move toward a more rewarding future.
Use this checklist as you move into the next stage of life after losing your job. The sections on this checklist correspond to the 4 steps in Moving Forward After Job Loss.
Your dreams for your future can be powerful motivators. But, to achieve them, you need to set goals. By taking the SMARTER approach, you’ll be better equipped to face challenges and make changes in your life and career.
Your action plan defines how you will accomplish your goal. The first step is to break things out into manageable pieces.
Identify the barriers you’ll need to overcome in order to reach your goals.

If You’re Depressed About Work, There’s Help

You will probably spend a good part of your life at work, so it’s reasonable to expect your job to give you a sense of satisfaction. But if you’re dragging yourself to work, making a lot of mistakes, or losing interest in tasks you used to find fulfilling, you could be suffering from work-related depression.

Work—and being out of work—can bring on many kinds of difficult emotional states. You may be feeling worried, hopeless, unmotivated, or persistently sad. The good news is that you can get help for these scary feelings.

Work-related depression is not uncommon. Depression shows itself in many ways and affects millions of Canadians every year. For people who already struggle with depression, work can make their feelings more intense. For some, work may actually be the source of their depression. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the symptoms of mental health disorders increased as people lost their jobs, worked from home, and felt more alone.

Where to turn in a crisis

If you’re concerned about your mental heath, you should talk to your doctor or find other sources of help. If you or someone you know is in crisis, you can turn to these resources.

Some resources are available province-wide:

Other resources may offer added supports in your part of the province:

Am I depressed?

Here are some potential warning signs for work-related depression:

  • More anxiety than normal
  • Feelings of anxiety about your job when you’re not at work
  • Feeling bored about your job
  • Low energy at work
  • A sense of sadness that won’t go away
  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, or guilty
  • Trouble concentrating, making lots of mistakes, and making bad decisions
  • Putting on or losing a lot of weight
  • Headaches, fatigue, or stomach pain at work
  • Crying spells when you don’t understand why
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Self-medication with alcohol or other drugs

How to find help at work

Many employers offer health benefits that include some type of mental health coverage. Ask your HR department about what your plan covers. You should also find out more about your company’s policies regarding medical leave and sick days.

If your illness is affecting your productivity, it may be useful to tell your employer you’re dealing with depression. Not only might you find some extra support, but it may be easier to request time off for appointments and therapy sessions.

Remember that mental disability is protected under the Alberta Human Rights Act. Your employer cannot discriminate against you because of your mental health.

Self-help and prevention

If you haven’t been diagnosed with depression but are feeling a bit sad and frustrated, to the following strategies can help you feel better. They’re also useful tools when it comes to preventing depression.

Find the positive

While a negative thoughts can lead to sadness, a good outlook can help you avoid feeling low. Learn how to think more positively about your work.

If your attitude is positive, you will likely feel happier. And your employer will probably be happier with you. Learn about the positive attitudes that your employer will notice on the job.

Take care of your relationships

Good relationships on or off the job can help you feel content. Set goals for yourself to build stronger relationships, just as you would for any other important aspect of your work or life.

Balance your life

Some people start to feel sad or anxious because they haven’t found the right work/life balance. Do you work too much? Do you spend too much time thinking about work, even when you’re doing other things?

Learn how to adjust your day so you have a work/life balance that suits you better. Finding the right balance may make you more content.

Keep learning on the job

Boredom can make you feel less enthusiastic about your work. One way to avoid boredom is to make sure you’re always learning on the job. Take this work and learning quiz to find the best ways to manage your learning.

Feeling out of control at work can also lead to low energy levels. Learn how to take charge of your day and make your job more rewarding.

Manage your stress levels

Being stressed day after day can lead to irritation, burnout, and depression. This level of stress is not healthy for your body or your mind. Learn how to manage stress on the job.

Work can be challenging. In some people, it can cause or exacerbate their depression. No matter your situation, help is available. Don’t be afraid to reach out and find some support.

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