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Tools & Resources
I am looking for work
I am thinking of a career change
I am a high school student
I am a post-secondary student
Explore Your Occupational Options
Follow These 4 Steps to Plan Your Career
Get Help With Career Planning
Learn More About Yourself
Develop Your Core Skills and Traits
The Tendencies That Make You Tick
Find Your Way on a Shifting Career Path
Traits and Skills: An Observer's Checklist
Qualities You'd Like to Develop Worksheet
Life Influences
Consider Your Resources
Fun Personality Tests to Guide Your Career
Your Passion Can Inspire Your Future Career
Bandura’s Theory: Go for the Career You Want
Holland Codes: Unlock a Career Choice That Feels Right
Planned Happenstance: Make Your Own Career Luck
Super’s Theory: A Career Path That Evolves With You
Parsons’ Theory: Match Your Traits to Career Factors
Make Choices About Work and Life
Still in High School? Start Planning Your Career Now
Take Action to Achieve Your Career Goals
Workplace Trends
Maximizing Your Value in a Gig Economy
Build a Sustainable Career in the Green Economy
Find Your Place in the Knowledge Economy
Use Workplace Trends to Find a Career That Fits
Micro-Credentials Can Boost Your Career
When 9 to 5 Is Not Enough: Build a Career You Love
Remote Work
Remote Work: What It Looks Like and How to Make It Work for You
Managing Conflict When You Work Remotely
How to Start Your New Remote Job
How to Focus on Work When You Work from Home
Achieve Balance in Your Remote Workplace
How to Find Jobs That Will Let You Work Remotely
Your Remote-Work Salary Might Surprise You
The Best Careers You Never Knew Existed Podcast
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Automation and AI: The Future of Work Is Here
How to Build Your AI Skills
How to Use AI Safely and Responsibly at Work
How Employers Are Using AI to Make Hiring Decisions
The Benefits of Using AI at Work
How to Use AI in Your Work Search
Use AI to Plan Your Career
How AI is Helping Self-Employed Workers
Why Career Planning Can Work for You
Get to Know Yourself
Is Now a Good Time to Plan My Career?
Make Your Dreams a Reality
Recognize Your Strengths
Identify Your Work Values
What Motivates You?
Your Very Own Board of Directors
How Do You Handle Career Risks?
How to Discuss Career Plans With Your Family
Understand Your Now, Next, and Future
Keep Your Career on Track in a Hot or Cold Economy
5 Things To Do in 5 Minutes...To Help You Figure Out Your Career Path
Plan Ahead: 4 Steps to Finding Work in Your Field of Study
Take This Quick 10 Question Career Quiz
Ask for Help
Understand What Career Terms Mean
Align Your Financial Plan with Your Career Plan
Career Planning FAQs
CAREERinsite Additional Resources
Explore School and Program Options
Learn About Apprenticeship
Learn About Transferring and Admissions
Pay for Your Education
Pay for Your Post-Secondary Education
Apply for Free Money to Pay for School
Work and Save Money to Pay for School
Talk to Your Parents About Helping Fund Your Education
Borrow Money to Pay for School
Fund Your Training
Budget for Student Life
Create a Student Spending Plan
Government of Canada Budgeting for Student Life
Credit: A 6-Letter Word for Debt
Save Money on Housing and Transportation
Smart Shopping Tips for Students
Smart Banking Tips
Filing Your Taxes
Talking About Money
Read Student Stories About Paying for School
Tips to Save Money While You're at School
Financial Literacy for Students: Invest in Your Future
Momentum's Matched Savings for Youth
Money Mentors Financial Education
ATB Financial Literacy Programs
Financial Literacy Quiz
Canada Financial Literacy Programs
Talk With Our Kids About Money
Your Money Students: A Financial Literacy Resource
Financial Literacy Games
The Budget Game
Investing Basics and Investment Fraud Reporting
Financial Tools and Calculators
Alberta Student Aid
Canada Student Grants and Loans
Understand Your Student Loan and Grant
Plan Your Education
Find Your Best Fit
Checklist for Going to Post-Secondary School
Planning for Post-Secondary: High School Checklists
Post-Secondary Programs and Credentials
I never thought I'd go to university
Dual Credit: Get a Head Start on Your Career
Part-Time Learning Options
Questions to Ask When Researching Schools
Questions to Ask Employers When Researching the Job Market
Make an Action Plan for Attending Post-Secondary
Planning for Post-Secondary: Grades 7, 8, 9 Checklist
Plan Your High School Journey
What High School Electives Can I Take to Reach My Career Goals?
High School Students: Have You Explored Off-Campus Programming?
What’s the Best Path for Me to Graduate High School?
Social Media Smarts for Teens
Provincially Authorized Senior High School Courses and Course Codes
Graduation Requirements, Credentials, and Credits
Plan for Graduate School
Post-Secondary Education and Training Testimonials
Ready to Go Back to High School?
Retraining: How to Launch a New Career
Time to Choose Your Post-Secondary Education
Many Training Paths Develop Skills and Knowledge
Start Now to Build the Skills Employers Want
Get High School Transcripts
Need a High School Diploma?
There’s More to Education Than Studying
Plan a Gap Year That Works for You
Going Back to School: Fitting Everything In
Success at School: It’s About More Than Marks
Become a Better Learner
How to Study Effectively
Education FAQs
Training Services Directory
Transfer Alberta
Exposure Courses Policy
Take an Exposure Course to Gain Job-Specific Skills
Apply for Work
Cover Letters
Find Work
Job Banks and Work Search Tools
Work Search Online
Work Search Videos
Work Search Basics
Stay Organized as You Search for Work
How to Find the Work You Want
Explore the World of Work
How to Contact Employers to Find Unadvertised Jobs
Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in the Trades
Finding Work With a Criminal Record
Find Work in Rural Alberta
Stay Positive During Your Work Search
Getting Back on Your Feet When the Job Market is Tight
My Work Search Plan and Record
How to Boost Your Job Search Efforts
Work Search Help
Help in Tough Times
Tips For Finding Work After Long-Term Unemployment
How to Manage Your Finances During Long-Term Unemployment
Interviews and Offers
Types of Interviews
How to Succeed at a Job Interview
Use the STARS Method to Shine in an Interview
How to Ace Your Phone or Online Interview
How to Answer Common Interview Questions
My Answers to Common Interview Questions
What Can Employers Ask You?
Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
What to Do After an Interview
How to Negotiate Your Job Offer
The Offer Letter Podcast
Job Loss: Creating a New Future
What to Do First After Job Loss
What to Do First After Job Loss — Checklist
How to Cope with Job Loss
How to Cope with Job Loss — Checklist
Assess Your Behaviour
Assess Your Physical Well-Being
Assess Your State of Mind
Assess Your Emotions
Take Care of Yourself
Build Your Support Network
Stay Positive
Moving Forward After Job Loss
Moving Forward After Job Loss — Checklist
Alberta Employment Standards
My Service Canada Account
Find a Service Canada Office
Employment Insurance (EI)
Credit Counselling Society of Alberta
211 Alberta
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Directory
Grief and Grieving
AHS Mental Health Services
What to Do When You Think You’re Going to Be Laid Off
Labour Market Information
Use Labour Market Information to Boost Your Career
Building Your Career During a Retirement Boom
Separating the Best LMI from the Rest
How to Research Potential Employers
Tips for a Successful Informational Interview
Decide What Questions to Ask in an Informational Interview
Job Market Trends and Industry and Labour Force Profiles
Resumés and References
How to Write a Great Resumé
How to Create Your Master Resumé
Build Your Master Resumé
Which Resumé Type Fits You Best?
The Functional Resumé: Focus on What You Can Do
Functional Resumé Outline
Chronological Resumé Outline
Combination Resumé Outline
Choose Power Words to Make Your Resumé Stand Out
Resumé Checklists
How to Choose the Best Job References
Unavailable or Problem References? What You Can Do
How to Give a Reference
Sample Character Reference Letter
Sample Employment Reference Letter
How to Build a Job Portfolio
Canada Job Bank Resumé Builder
How to Address Gaps in Your Career
Avoid Making Common Mistakes on Your Resumé
The Pros and Cons of Using AI to Write Your Cover Letter and Resumé
Self-Employment Resources to Help You Get Started
Resources to Help Build Your Business
Alberta Purchasing Connection
Better Business Bureau of Central and Northern Alberta
Better Business Bureau of Southern Alberta
Business Development Bank of Canada
Canada Business and Industry
Office of Small and Medium Enterprises
Industry Canada
Small Business Week
Starting and Running a Business in Alberta
Alberta Innovates
How to Write a Proposal
Self-Employment Resources for Youth
Self-Employment Resources for Persons With Disabilities
Self-Employment Resources for Indigenous Peoples
Self-Employment: Is it for You?
Entrepreneurship: Is it for You?
Understand the Difference Between Employment and Contracting
Self-Employment: Finding Your Way
Self-Employment: Traits and Attitudes
Self-Employment: Avoid Common Pitfalls
Self-Employment Skills to Help You Succeed
Self-Employment: Rewards and Challenges
Self-Employment: Will Your Idea Succeed?
Self-Employment: Building Your Business
Self-Employment: Habits and Motivators
Tips for Self-Employment Success
Buy Yourself a Business—And a Job
Funding Your Entrepreneurial Dreams
Write Great Proposals to Win Business
How to Start a Business in Alberta
Thrive as a Self-Employed Mature Worker
Mastering Your Business Finances
Balancing Your Day Job and Side Business
Succeed Through a Non-Traditional Business
Alberta Biz Connect
Work Options
Choose the Way You Work
Apprenticeship Education
Things to Consider Before Working Part Time
Start a Part-Time Business From Home
What to Consider Before Working Abroad
11 Ways Volunteering Can Help You Find a Job
Think Industries and Sectors When Planning Your Career
The Pros and Cons of Working at Not-for-Profits and B Corps
Recognize Your Accomplishments
How to Identify Your Accomplishments
Identify Your Work-Specific Skills
Understand Your Work Preferences
Career Paths and Your Lifestyle
Gateway Jobs Open Doors
Overqualified? Make the Best of Your Experience
Marketing You!
Transfer Your College and University Skills into the Workplace
Dealing With Rejection in Your Job Search
Know Your Core Skills and How to Sell Them
Identify Your Core Skills
What is Globalization?
Put Your Experience to Work
Getting the Most Out of Job Fairs
Leaving a Job Without Burning Bridges
Sample Letter of Resignation
Look for Work FAQs
Employment Services Directory
Use a Bridge Job to Reach Your Career Goals
Be Safe at Work
Your Health and Safety Rights at Work
Are You Safe at Your Job?
Speaking Up About Health and Safety at Work
Occupational Health and Safety: Rate Your Hazard IQ
Health and Safety Training Checklist
Injured at Work? Here's What to Do
Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety Resource Portal
Occupational Health and Safety for Young Workers
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
Employment Laws and Standards
Grow Your Career
Make Your Work Life More Satisfying
Get and Keep the Work You Want
Your First 2 Weeks at Work
New Job? Here’s How to Make a Good First Impression
Position Yourself as a Valued Employee
A Positive Attitude Will Help You Learn
How Does Your Attitude Measure Up?
Develop Your Job Smarts
Learn: It Will Enhance Your Career
Take Charge of Your Learning at Work
Overcome Your Defences Against Learning
Learn From Your Mistakes
Learn to Communicate Authentically
Build Positive Relationships
Create a Balanced Lifestyle
Time-Saving Tools for Busy Lives
Make Your Job More Rewarding
Move Forward With Positive Thoughts
Watch Out for Those Big Assumptions
5 Workplace Traps to Avoid
Manage Your Manager
Bridge the Generation Gaps at Work
Find and Work with a Mentor
Learn How to Be an Effective Mentor
Make Positive Career Moves with Career Laddering
Find Out if a Promotion Is the Right Move for You
Improve Your Body Language Skills
Navigate These 5 Stages to Make the Most of Your Career
How to Ask for Bonuses, Salary Raises, and Promotions
How to Impress Senior Leadership
Tips for First-Time Managers
Manager or Expert: Choosing Your Path
Leadership Skills Are for Everyone
Prepare to Succeed at Teamwork
Support Diversity in the Workplace
Tips for Online Communication in the Workplace
Don’t Make These Big Career Mistakes
How Upskilling Advances Your Career
Use Microaffirmations to Improve Workplace Relationships
What Is a Stay Interview, and Why Are Employers Using Them?
Manage Challenges
Overcome Job Challenges
Learn How to Change the Things You Can Change
Handle Challenges: Deal With Things You Can’t Change
8 Strategies for Managing Fear
Grieving in the Workplace: Cope With Loss
Support Family Violence Prevention at Work
Cope With Stress
Bullies at Work: What to Know and What You Can Do
Managing Conflict at Work
Talk it Out: How to Use Issue-Based Problem Solving
Handle People Problems at Work
Learn How to Resolve Conflicts: Case Studies from Large Workplaces
Use the Right Words and Questions to Manage Conflicts
Alberta Human Rights Commission
Alberta Labour Relations Board
Find a Facilitator or Mediator
If You’re Depressed About Work, There’s Help
How to Manage Unexpected Absences at Work
How to Manage a Toxic Workplace
Imposter Syndrome: Stop Feeling Like a Fraud
Examples of Microaggression in the Workplace
Microaggression in the Workplace
How to Prevent Microaggression in the Workplace
Managing Friendship in the Workplace
How Corporate Jargon Hurts Communication in the Workplace
How to Talk to Your Employer About Mental Health Issues
Crisis Supports: Bullying
A Guide to Managing Romance in the Workplace
How to Manage Burnout From Work
What Women Can Do to Shrink the Gender Pay Gap
Manage Change and Transitions
Skills for Success Videos
Start Your New Job
Succeed at Work FAQs
Alis Tutorial Videos
Career Development Association of Alberta
CAREERinsite: A Guide for Career Counsellors and Educators
Career Services
Calgary Youth Employment Centre
Employment Services
Disability Related Employment Supports (DRES)
Lethbridge College Career Services
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
Career Edge
Finding Work in Manitoba
National Youth Site
Choose a Career Ontario
Work BC
SaskJobs – Career Services
New Brunswick Career Development Services
Nova Scotia Works
Newfoundland and Labrador Employment Services
Quebec Employment Assistance Programs
Yukon Employment Central
NWT Career, Employment and Training Services
CERIC: Advancing Career Development in Canada
Counselling Diverse Clients
Counselling Ex-Offenders
Counselling Indigenous People
Counselling Mature Workers
Counselling Newcomers
Counselling People Who Face Traditional Gender Issues
Counselling People With Disabilities
Important Context for Counselling People With Disabilities and Disorders
Important Context for Counselling People With Developmental Disorders
Employment Counselling for People With Disabilities and Disorders
Important Context for Counselling People With Learning Disorders
Important Context for Counselling People With Mental Health Disorders
Important Context for Counselling People With Physical and Neurological Conditions
Specialized Approaches to Counselling People With Disabilities and Disorders
Effective Practices for Counselling People With Disabilities and Disorders
Employment Counselling for People With Developmental and Learning Disorders
Effective Practices for Counselling People With Developmental and Learning Disorders
Effective Practices for Counselling People with Mental Health and Physio-neural Disorders
Employment Counselling for People With Mental Health and Physio-neural Disorders
Counselling People With Low Income
Counselling Sexual and Gender Minorities
Counselling Youth
What Works: Career-Counselling Strategies for Diverse Clients
Low Literacy Resources for Career Advisors
The 9 Skills for Success
The Skills for Success Model
Skills for Success: Adaptability
Skills for Success: Collaboration
Skills for Success: Communication
Skills for Success: Creativity and Innovation
Skills for Success: Digital
Skills for Success: Numeracy
Skills for Success: Problem Solving
Skills for Success: Reading
Skills for Success: Writing
Government of Canada's Skills for Success
Alberta Digital Literacy Program
What Education and Training Is Best for Your Client?
What’s New on Alis
Working With Employers
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Ex-Offenders
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Indigenous People
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Mature Workers
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Newcomers
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain People With Disabilities and Disorders
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Sexual and Gender Minorities
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Workers in Non-Traditional Occupations
Working With Employers to Recruit and Retain Youth
Career Advisors: Use AI to Help Your Clients
About Alis
Resources For Specific Audiences
Alis Publications Archive
How to Write a Resumé
How to Choose a Career That Fits You
How to Plan Your Education
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 1
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 2
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 3
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 4
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 5
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 6
Work Search Basics Companion: Step 7
How to List Your Skills, Abilities, and Accomplishments
How to Handle a Career Move When You’re Over 45
How to Recover After Job Loss
Tutorial Videos: Alis Accounts
Tutorial Videos: Alberta Job Postings
Tutorial Videos: Alis Guides
Interactive Worksheets
Outreach Material
Questions and Answers
What are my rights at work?
What is it like to go back to school as a mature student?
I'm from a small town. What's it like moving to the city for school or work?
I want to work part-time while going to school. Do you have any advice?
Do I need to talk about my disability with a future employer?
How do I best explain my strengths and weaknesses in an interview?
Are there team assignments at work like there are at school?
How do I balance my academic life with home and work?
I’ve graduated, but I don’t have a lot of experience. How do I get the right job?
I'm not sure what I want to do when I graduate high school. Where do I start?
How do I look for a job?
I’ve been working in the oil field. What else can I do?
I’ve figured out what career I want. But what courses or programs will I need after high school?
Is finding work I like as hard as people say it is?
Is my current job the right job for me?
How do I ask someone to be a reference?
Do I have the skills employers want?
How do I get into the trades?
How do I find a job after high school when I have no experience?
I’m realizing my high school diploma isn’t enough. But if I go back to school, what should I study?
What should I do after the interview?
What’s an applied degree?
I’ve finally graduated and now I want to apply what I’ve learned. How do I get started?
How can I become a manager where I’m working now?
Do I need to get more training before I start looking for work?
How do I find a mentor?
How do I know if what I'm getting paid is fair?
Should I send a thank you note if I didn’t get the job?
No one is hiring in my trade. What other trades can I transition into?
What can I do if I need references but my supervisor from my previous job has moved on?
I'm looking for a job but I have a criminal record. What should I do?
I like the idea of working in the oil and gas industry. How can I get one of these jobs?
Should I be careful about what I post on social media when looking for a job?
Is it a good idea to apply for jobs online?
How can I get help with my job search?
I’ve been looking for work for more than 3 months and I’ve come up empty. Now what?
Where should I look for work in Alberta?
Will I have a guaranteed job in my field?
Will I be able to find a job in the community I want to live in or will I need to move?
I'm an Indigenous person who is trying to figure out what kind of work I want to do. Where can I find information to help me?
Will I be able to move up at my work?
What jobs are in demand in Alberta?
How do I find out what is happening in the job market?
I have more than one degree. Am I overqualified?
What will my starting salary be?
How do I know I will be successful in my career?
How do I relate my university experience to the jobs I’m applying for?
I have dual credits from high school. How can I use them?
Is there somewhere I can go to talk about my future?
Why do I need to study high school math (or language arts or chemistry, etc.)? What kind of job will it get me?
How do I become a valued employee?
How do I choose what post-secondary school to attend?
What will an average day look like in my job?
Help! I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life. Where should I start?
I’m turning 18 and ready to take the next step in my life. What do I need to know?
Is it a good idea to get post-secondary education or training?
I haven’t been able to find a job since I finished my degree. What can I do?
Are all job openings advertised?
What should I include in my cover letter?
What’s the best way to find a job?
How do I stand out when there are thousands of graduates from my program?
Where can I find information about staying safe at work?
How can I get along with my new co-workers?
What is some fun career research I can do quickly?
Comment puis-je m’assurer que je suis en sécurité au travail?
I have to deal with difficult people at work. Any advice for me?
What can I get better at my job?
I still want to work after I retire. What are my options?
I've recently lost my job. Where can I get help?
I'm looking for a job. How can I find out who is hiring?
Where can I find more information about a company or industry I would like to work for?
How do I find out if I need a specific licence or certification to work in Alberta?
What do I need to know to start my own business?
I want to be self-employed. Are there resources that can help me get started as an entrepreneur?
I have a job interview. How do I prepare?
How do I write a resumé?
What is networking and how can it help me?
I keep hearing about labour market information. What is it?
How can I find out about the job outlook where I live?
I'm a high school student interested in apprenticeship. What do I do?
What is career planning and how can it help me?
Are there resources to help me find out what I'd be good at?
Where can I find out about occupations that interest me?
How can I find out what it's like to work in a specific occupation?
How can I find out the wage or salary for an occupation?
Where can I learn about career and job fairs near where I live?
How can I make the best career choice for my desired lifestyle, work experience, and family situation?
I'm not sure what I want to do when I graduate. Where do I start?
I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Where can I get help to figure it out?
I want to get into the trades. What do I need to do?
I'm receiving EI benefits and I'm interested in retraining. How do I access training benefits?
Can I take my program through distance education?
What supports are available for international students?
Where can I get information about scholarships and grants to attend school?
Where is the educational program that I want to study being offered?
What is an occupation? How is it different from a job or a career?
How can I get my high school transcripts?
I don't think I'll have enough money to go to university or college. How can I pay for my education?
As an Indigenous student, what should I know about paying for post-secondary?
How can I increase my chances of getting scholarships to help pay for my education?
Will the courses I’ve completed at one post-secondary school be transferable to another school?
How do I apply for college or university?
What requirements must I meet to enter a post-secondary program or school?
How can I find scholarships?
I was educated outside of Canada. Where can I have my international education assessed?
I'm a part-time student. Can I get student loans?
How can I get funding for training to help me take the next step in my career?
How do I apply for student loans?
How can I find out about distance education?
I'm still in high school. How can I find a job doing what I like?
Does alis have anything to help students with disabilities interested in post-secondary?
How can I find out what it's really like to be a post-secondary student?
Is there anyone I can talk to over the phone about finding work?
I’m thinking about a new career or a new line of work. Where can I find the information I need to get started?
Alberta Supports
Search Tips
Introduction to Alis Guides
Resources for Career Advisors
Resources for Graduate Students
Resources for High School Students
Resources for Indigenous People
Rupertsland Institute
Indigenous organizations and service directory
Career Planning for Indigenous Peoples
Education and Training for Indigenous Peoples
Employment Resources for Indigenous Job Seekers
Employment, Training, and Job-Readiness for Indigenous Peoples
Programs and Services for Indigenous Peoples
Training for Indigenous Peoples
Trade Winds to Success
Resources for International Students
Resources for LGBTQ2S+ People
Resources for Mature Students
Resources for Mature Workers
For Mature Workers
Information and Support for Mature Job Seekers
Over 45 and Looking for Work: Making Midlife Career Moves
Addressing Negative Stereotypes about Mature Workers
Working After Retirement
Your Finances and Health Affect Your Work Choices
Alberta Labour Force Profiles: Aged 45 and Older
Retiring or Turning 65
Programs and Services for Seniors
Government of Canada Resources for Seniors
Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP)
Resources for Newcomers
Arrive and Settle in Alberta
Do you want to come to Canada?
Settle in Alberta
Toolkit for agencies serving newcomers
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
International Qualifications Assessment Services
Foreign Qualification Recognition
Build English Language Skills as a Newcomer
Assess and Upgrade Your Foreign Qualifications
Newcomers’ Guide to Working in Alberta
Build Your Canadian Work Experience
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program
Opportunity Alberta
Settlement Services
Come to Canada Tool
Life in Alberta
Find Free Newcomer Services Near You
Newcomers: How to Find Work in Alberta
Programs and Services for Newcomers
Resources for Parents
Resources for People with a Criminal Record
Resources for People with Disabilities
Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM)
Talking About Your Invisible Disability
Doing Well at Work When You Have a Disability
Accommodations: Working With Your Disability
Government Programs and Services
Job Demands & Accommodation Planning Tool (JDAPT)
Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) Toolkit
Supports for Your Disability at School and Work
Planning for School When You Live With a Disability
Learning After High School: Inclusive Options for People With Developmental Disabilities
Alberta Human Rights Duty to Accommodate Students With Disabilities
Alberta Training for Work Programs
Canada Pension Plan Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Funding for Students With Disabilities
Resources for Students With Disabilities
When and How to Talk About Your Disability
Job Interview Tips for People With Disabilities
Self-Employment Planning for People With a Developmental Disability
Inclusive Employment for People With Developmental Disabilities
Alberta Human Rights Duty to Accommodate
Funding Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities
Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Program
Finding Work When You Have a Disability
Resources for People with Low Literacy
Career Advisors: Easy Reading Jobs Grouped by Common Occupation Name
Career Advisors: Easy Reading Jobs Grouped by Occupational Cluster
Career Advisors: Easy Reading Job Profiles at a Glance
Easy Reading: Make Some Job Choices
Find the Best Job: What Do You Like to Do?
Jobs Where You Clean Things
Jobs Where You Drive or Move Things
Jobs Where You Help or Serve People
Jobs Where You Make or Fix Things
Jobs Where You Prepare Food
Jobs Where You Protect Things or People
Jobs Where You Sell Things to People
Jobs Where You Work With Living Things
Narrow Down Your Job Choices
How to Research Your Top Job Choices
Job Information Worksheet
Compare Your Top Job Choices
Pick the Best Job For You
Choose Your Job Goals
Easy Reading: Training for Work
Easy Reading: Work Laws and Your Pay Stub
Resources for Youth
Northern Residents
Programs and Services for Youth
Youth: Transition to a Career and Independence
Leaving Care and Stepping Into Adulthood
Staying the Course: Learning Beyond High School
Landing Your First Real Job
Resources for Youth Counsellors
Taking Care of Adult Basics
Finding a Place to Live as a Young Adult
How to Grow Your Bank Account When You’re Just Starting Out
How to Get Support if You’re a Pregnant or Parenting Teen
How to Get Support if You’re a Youth With a Disability
How to Get Support if You’re an Indigenous Youth
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Connections App - transition from government care
Banquet Manager (5:24)
Accountant (6:09)
Announcer (7:53)
Architect (6:50)
Auctioneer (7:12)
Bus Driver (7:15)
Cabinetmaker (6:17)
Cardiology Technologist (7:33)
Career Development Professional (7:50)
Chemist (6:23)
Computer Animator (6:45)
Credit Manager (7:23)
Dentist (6:45)
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (6:49)
Dietitian (6:28)
Educational Assistant (6:51)
Elementary Teacher (6:46)
ESL Teacher - Adults (7:05)
Fashion Designer (6:59)
Gasfitter (6:27)
General Practitioner (5:57)
Gerontological Specialist (7:33)
Landscape Architectural Technologist (7:04)
Licensed Practical Nurse (7:07)
Lighting Technician (7:03)
Materials Technician (6:19)
Medical Laboratory Technologist (5:52)
Millwright (6:04)
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Technician (6:26)
Optometrist (6:58)
Parts Technician (6:33)
Pharmacist (6:27)
Physiotherapist (6:44)
Plumber (7:24)
Printing Press Operator (7:23)
Registered Nurse (6:08)
Sheriff (7:04)
Sound Engineer (Live) (7:39)
Steel Detailer (7:29)
Structural Steel and Plate Fitter (6:51)
Volunteer Manager (6:41)
Early Childhood Educator (6:29)
Food Scientist (5:59)
Hairstylist (5:31)
Health Care Aide (7:08)
Graphic Designer (7:07)
Financial Planner (7:34)
Career Inspirations: Popular Music (2:16)
Career Inspirations: Traditional and Classical Music (2:46)
Career Inspirations: Animal Care (2:21)
Career Inspirations: Graphics (2:43)
Career Inspirations: Lego Building (2:28)
Career Inspirations: Sewing (2:26)
Career Inspirations: Film Making (2:23)
Career Inspirations: Cooking (2:34)
Exploring Career Paths: Pediatrics (3:00)
Exploring Career Paths: Acting (3:42)
Exploring Career Paths: Law Enforcement (3:32)
Exploring Career Paths: Engineering (3:32)
Exploring Career Paths: Combining Arts and Sciences (3:30)
Exploring Career Paths: Recreation (3:22)
Exploring Career Paths: Machining (3:01)
Exploring Career Paths: Sports (2:55)
Attending University in Canada (2:34)
Attending University Online (2:30)
Pursuing Passions in University (2:39)
Attending University to Become a Teacher (2:55)
Finding a Path at College (2:38)
Attending College as the Key to Success (2:29)
Studying Agriculture at a Rural College (2:26)
Embracing Learning as a Mature College Student (2:39)
Studying Theatre at College (2:47)
Studying Entrepreneurship at a Technical Institute (2:30)
Changing Career Paths as a Mature Student (2:45)
Studying TV Journalism at a Technical Institute (2:28)
Building Career Skills at an Indigenous Peoples College (2:48)
Balancing School and Family at an Indigenous Peoples College (2:48)
Apprenticing as an Electric Motor Systems Technician (2:16)
Apprenticing as a Welder (2:26)
Enjoying a Balanced Student Lifestyle (2:32)
Achieving Dreams at a Private College (2:53)
Training to Be a Hairstylist at a Vocational School (2:26)
Researching and Choosing a Vocational College Program (2:43)
Post-Secondary Success Stories: Diploma in Disability Studies (2:59)
Post-Secondary Success Stories: BSc in Psychology (2:58)
Post-Secondary Success Stories: Attaining University Goals (2:50)
Post-Secondary Success Stories: Graduate Student and Community Advocate (2:25)
Post-Secondary Success Stories: BA in Psychology (2:34)
High School Students With a Dream: Exploring Strengths, Interests, and Possibilities (8:42)
High School Students With a Dream: Becoming a Journalist (6:37)
High School Students With a Dream: Becoming a Computer Technician (9:29)
High School Students with a Dream: Helping Kids With Disabilities (6:32)
Histoires de réussite postsecondaire : diplôme en études sur la condition des personnes handicapées (3:00)
Histoires de réussite postsecondaires : baccalauréat ès sciences en psychologie (2:58)
Histoires de réussite postsecondaire : atteindre ses objectifs universitaires (2:50)
Histoires de réussite postsecondaire : étudiant diplômé et défenseur de la communauté (2:25)
Histoires de réussite postsecondaire : baccalauréat ès arts en psychologie (2:34)
Broadcast Meteorologist (7:59)
Social Worker (6:45)
Veterinarian (7:54)
Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic (7:37)
Adult Learning Journeys - Amber's Pathway (5:15)
Adult Learning Journeys - Home-Based Adult Literacy Programs (4:32)
Adult Learning Journeys - David's Pathway (5:13)
Adult Learning Journeys - Joshua's Pathway (3:51)
Motorcycle Mechanic (5:55)
Wind Turbine Technician (6:12)
Landscape Gardener (5:16)
Agricultural Equipment Technician (5:29)
Oil and Gas Well Tester (4:56)
Service Rig Operator (5:45)
Recreation Vehicle Service Technician (5:07)
Communication Technician (5:37)
Appliance Service Technician (5:39)
Locksmith (5:26)
Snubbing Services Operator (5:13)
Retail Store Manager (6:03)
Environmental Auditor (5:42)
Petroleum Geologist (5:10)
Outdoor Power Equipment Technician - Recreation (5:23)
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic (5:09)
Web Designer (5:40)
Civil Engineer (5:37)
Instrument Technician (5:31)
Computer Network Admininstrator (5:46)
MWD Coordinator (5:29)
Musical Instrument Repair Technician (5:40)
Restaurant Manager (5:23)
Career Inspirations: Karate (2:32)
Élèves du secondaire avec un rêve : évaluer les forces, les intérêts et les possibilités (8:42)
Élèves du secondaire avec un rêve : aider les enfants handicapés (6:32)
Élèves du secondaire avec un rêve : devenir technicien en informatique (9:29)
Élèves du secondaire avec un rêve : devenir journaliste (6:37)
Administrative Assistant (5:13)
Computer Programmer (5:03)
Concrete Finisher (5:21)
Cook (5:22)
Esthetician (4:53)
Information Systems Consultant (5:30)
Land Agent (5:31)
Special Needs Teacher (5:30)
Mechanical Engineer (5:37)
Painter and Decorator (5:29)
Petroleum Engineer (5:04)
Sports Instructor (5:52)
Landfill Gas Plant Operator (5:57)
Airline Pilot (5:47)
Residential Construction Site Manager (5:18)
Where Can I Find Out Which Jobs Are in Demand? (2:00)
How Do I Prepare for an Interview? (2:57)
How Do I Write an Effective Resumé? (2:27)
How Do I Get Experience? (1:57)
How Can I Find Unadvertised Jobs? (2:00)
How Do I Get Into the Trades? (1:58)
How Do I Look for a Job? (2:57)
What Jobs are Available to Someone With a Disability? (2:26)
What Should I Do After an Interview? (2:27)
How Do I Write an Effective Cover Letter? (2:57)
Audiologist (6:24)
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (4:48)
Community Planner (5:22)
Custodian (4:51)
Correctional Peace Officer (4:49)
Ironworker (5:32)
Occupational Therapist (4:51)
Police Officer (5:15)
Steamfitter-Pipefitter (4:53)
University Professor (5:06)
Exploring Self-Employment Opportunities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (5:25)
Automotive Service Technician (5:17)
Lawyer (5:00)
Midwife (5:03)
Power Engineer (5:01)
Environmental Engineer (5:07)
Machinist (5:08)
Community Disability Services Practitioner (5:21)
Who can be my reference and how do I ask them? (1:33)
How do I answer the question "What are your strengths and weaknesses" in an interview? (1:20)
I'm feeling nervous before an interview, what can I do? (1:27)
How do I choose what post-secondary school to attend? (1:13)
I'm not sure what I want to do when I graduate high school. Where do I start? (1:04)
Wastewater Operator (5:30)
Accommodations Manager (5:47)
Animal Care Attendant (5:07)
Cloud Architect (5:55)
Construction Craft Labourer (4:49)
Economic Development Officer (5:54)
Infection Control Professional (5:20)
Sandblaster (5:10)
Acupuncturist (5:47)
Architectural Technologist (5:01)
Automobile Accessories Installer (4:57)
Electroneurophysiology (ENP) Technologist
Helicopter Pilot (5:38)
Internal Auditor (5:07)
Marketing Manager (4:46)
Medical Laboratory Assistant (5:09)
Nuclear Medicine Technologist (5:41)
Nurse Practitioner (5:58)
Pulmonary Function Technician (5:40)
Speech-Language Pathologist (5:22)
Toxicologist (4:57)
Preparing Youth to Build and Thrive in Future Careers
Baker (4:53)
Carpenter (5:39)
Glazier (4:38)
Heavy Equipment Technician (5:16)
Scaffold Erector (5:13)
Sustainable Energy Technologist (4:31)
Welder (4:31)
Messenger or Courier
Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operator
Field Heat Treatment Technician
Insulator (Heat and Frost)
Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)
Overhead Door Technician
Policy Analyst
Powerline Technician
Discover the Skills for Success (1:06)
Auto Body Technician (5:12)
Biotechnologist (5:30)
Boilermaker (5:15)
Bricklayer (4:37)
Floorcovering Installer (4:47)
Gas Utility Operator (4:42)
Pharmacologist (5:34)
Physiologist (5:30)
Roofer (5:01)
Siding Installer (4:53)
Sprinkler Systems Installer (4:49)
Water Well Driller (5:00)
How to sign up for an alis account (1:40)
How to sign in and sign out of your alis account (1:44)
How to change your password (1:19)
How to change your profile information (1:30)
What’s in your alis account? (2:55)
Inclusive Post-Secondary Education: Changing Lives, Creating Possibilities [9:42]
CBC News: People With Autism Recruited for Skilled Jobs [13:20]
Inclusive Employment: Making a Difference by Working Together [6:31]
Remembering Joey Moss [4:05]
Adaptive Technologies on the Job [4:18]
Geneticist (5:03)
Soil Scientist (5:21)
Skills for Success: Adaptability (1:04)
Skills for Success: Collaboration (1:03)
Skills for Success: Communication (1:09)
Skills for Success: Creativity and Innovation (1:02)
Skills for Success: Digital Skills (1:01)
Skills for Success: Numeracy (1:08)
Skills for Success: Problem Solving (1:14)
Skills for Success: Reading (1:06)
Skills for Success: Writing (1:02)
Archivist (4:33)
Chief Administrative Officer (4:48)
Cinematographer (5:38)
Curator (4:50)
Editor (5:01)
Firefighter (5:07)
Hazardous Waste Management Technologist (5:18)
Hydrometric Technician/Technologist (6:04)
Illustrator (4:57)
Industrial Engineer (4:57)
Land Titles Analyst (5:10)
Painter or Printmaker (5:45)
Photographer (5:49)
How to share your alis account (1:39)
How to view a shared alis account (2:11)
How to browse job postings (2:47)
How to save job postings (2:11)
How to sign up for job alerts (4:09)
How to unsubscribe from job alerts (1:45)
Understanding basic filters in Alberta Job Postings (3:29)
Understanding additional filters in Alberta Job Postings (3:04)
Housekeeping Attendant (4:47)
Emergency Medical Personnel (5:00)
Producer Film Radio Television Theatre (5:05)
Costume Designer (4:51)
Makeup Artist (5:28)
Wildland Firefighter (5:39)
Solar Installer (4:46)
Operations Research Analyst (5:26)
Chef (5:18)
How to Set Up a Healthy Home Office (4:33)
Blaster (6:02)
Forester (5:20)
Animator (5:24)
Aller à l’université : la clé de la réussite (2:29)
Étudier l’agriculture dans un collège rural (2:26)
Réaliser ses rêves dans un collège privé (2:53)
Suivre ses passions à l’université (2:39)
How to edit your job alerts (2:35)
Understanding alis guides (4:25)
Understanding custom alis guides (1:39)
How to use an alis guide (4:00)
How to edit a custom alis guide (1:42)
How to create a custom alis guide (3:28)
How to share an alis guide (2:13)
Art Instructor (4:42)
Athletic Therapist (4:54)
Casting Director (4:53)
Child and Youth Care Worker (4:59)
Electrician (4:57)
Geomatics Technologist (4:25)
Golf Professional (4:33)
Insurance Agent and Broker (5:20)
Land Surveyor (4:54)
Nanny (4:44)
Personal Trainer (5:57)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Pédiatrie (3:00)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Application de la loi (3:32)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Combiner les arts et les sciences (3:30)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Jouer la comédie (3:42)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Ingénierie (3:32)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Loisirs (3:22)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Usinage (3:01)
Explorer des cheminements de carrière : Sports (2:55)
Inspirations de carrière : Cuisine (2:34)
Changer de cheminement de carrière en tant qu’étudiant adulte (2:45)
Compétences pour réussir - Adaptabilité (1:12)
Découvrez les Compétences pour réussir (1:21)
Compétences pour réussir - Collaboration (1:19)
Compétences pour réussir - Communication (1:11)
Compétences pour réussir - Créativité et innovation (1:13)
Compétences pour réussir - Compétences numériques (1:17)
Compétences pour réussir - Calcul (1:19)
Compétences pour réussir - Résolution de problèmes (1:26)
Compétences pour réussir - Lecture (1:21)
Compétences pour réussir - Rédaction (1:14)
Addictions Counsellor (5:14)
Chiropractor (5:02)
Electrologist (5:07)
Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP) Video (1:11)
Captioner and Court Reporter (5:50)
Ecologist (5:37)
Marriage and Family Counsellor (5:01)
Arborist (5:14)
Database Analyst (4:52)
Dental Hygienist (4:49)
Funeral Director (4:28)
Advertising Account Executive (4:30)
Bylaw Enforcement Officer (5:04)
Entomologist (4:45)
Reporter (5:46)
Advertising Copywriter (5:25)
Biologist (5:24)
Floral Designer (5:12)
Professional Investigator (4:57)
Auto Detailer (4:29)
Anthropologist (5:33)
Dispatcher (4:48)
Beekeeper (5:47)
Statistician (4:55)
Vending Machine Technician (4:20)
Heavy Equipment Operator (5:02)
Turfgrass Management Specialist (5:38)
Learn what is in a job posting (2:26)
How to use the data visualization tool (2:36)
How to use the Preferred Knowledge Quiz (2:35)
How to browse the schools in Alberta page (2:36)
How to browse the Alberta wages and salaries tool (2:12)
Resources for Emergency Evacuees
Resources for Women
Returning to Work After a Career Break
Menopause and Your Career
Menopause Foundation Canada
Career Advice for Women Fleeing Domestic Violence
Women in Trades or Who Want to Pursue Trades
Supporting Women Entrepreneurs
Planning for Maternity/Parental Leave
Career Advancement Strategies for Women
Alberta Government Women's Hub
Planifiez votre carrière
Apprenez à vous connaître
Pourquoi la planification de carrière peut vous être utile
Questionnaire sur les champs d’intérêt
Questionnaire sur les aptitudes
Inspirez-vous des tendances du marché du travail pour trouver une carrière qui vous convient
En savoir plus sur vous-même
Développez vos compétences de base et vos traits de caractère
Les tendances qui vous font vibrer
Trouvez votre voie lors d’un changement de carrière
Feuille de travail sur les qualités que vous souhaitez développer
Feuille de travail sur les influences de la vie
Tenez compte de vos ressources
Des tests de personnalité amusants pour guider votre carrière
Votre passion peut inspirer votre future carrière
Comprendre vos centres d’intérêt
Comprendre vos aptitudes
Cernez vos compétences de base et apprenez à les mettre en valeur
Cernez vos compétences de base
Commencez dès maintenant à développer les compétences recherchées par les employeurs
Faites des choix professionnels et personnels
Les neuf compétences requises pour réussir
Compétences pour réussir : Collaboration
Compétences pour réussir : Communication
Compétences pour réussir : Rédaction
Compétences pour réussir : Calcul
Compétences pour réussir : Adaptabilité
Compétences pour réussir : Créativité et innovation
Compétences pour réussir : Compétences numériques
Compétences pour réussir : Résolution de problèmes
Compétences pour réussir : Lecture
Le modèle Compétences pour réussir
Les Compétences pour réussir du gouvernement du Canada
Explorez l'éducation et la formation
Payer ses études postsecondaires
Étudier le choix d’établissements et de programmes
Vidéos - Des élèves du 2e cycle du secondaire avec un rêve
Vidéos - Histoires de réussite postsecondaires
Formation d’apprenti en Alberta
Demander des fonds gratuits pour payer ses études
Emprunter de l’argent pour payer ses études
Évaluez et améliorez vos qualifications étrangères
Acquisition de compétences linguistiques en anglais chez les nouveaux arrivants
De nombreux parcours de formation développent les compétences et les connaissances
Réflexions de jeunes : Cheminements de carrière
Chercher du travail
Principes de base de la recherche d’emploi
Conseils pour une entrevue informationnelle réussie
Comment créer votre curriculum vitæ principal
Comment rédiger un excellent curriculum vitæ
Quel types de curriculum vitæ vous convient le mieux?
Aperçu du curriculum vitæ chronologique
Aperçu du curriculum vitæ fonctionnel
Aperçu du curriculum vitæ combiné
Comment choisir les meilleures références d’emploi?
Comment réussir une entrevue d’embauche
Comment répondre aux questions d’entrevue courantes
Comment communiquer avec les employeurs pour trouver des emplois non annoncés
Cernez vos compétences relatives à l’emploi
Comprenez vos préférences de travail
Explorez le monde du travail
Comment trouver l’emploi que vous désirez
Comment envoyer votre trousse de curriculum vitæ dans plusieurs formats
Lettres de motivation et courriels : ouvrez la porte à une entrevue
Aperçu de la lettre de motivation
Que faire après une entrevue
Restez positif pendant votre recherche d’emploi
Comment appuyer vos efforts de recherche d’emploi
Guide des nouveaux arrivants pour travailler en Alberta
Acquérez une expérience professionnelle au Canada
Cernez vos compétences professionnelles
Comment créer un portfolio de recherche d’emploi
Réussir au travail
Ce que vous devez savoir sur les normes d’emploi
Qu’est-ce qu’un employeur est en droit de vous demander?
Mise sur pied d’un syndicat et adhésion à un syndicat
Vidéos Compétences pour réussir
Être en sécurité au travail
Vos droits en matière de santé et de sécurité au travail
Êtes-vous en sécurité à votre travail ?
Parler de la santé et de la sécurité au travail
Santé et sécurité au travail : Déterminez votre degré de connaissance des dangers
Liste de vérification de la formation en santé et en sécurité
Blessé au travail? Voici quoi faire
Commission des droits de la personne de l’Alberta
Portail des ressources sur la santé et la sécurité au travail
Santé et sécurité au travail pour les jeunes travailleurs
Alberta Labour Relations Board
Alberta Human Rights Commission
Système d’information sur les matières dangereuses utilisées au travail (SIMDUT)
Gérer les défis
Vidéos en français
Occupations in Alberta
Alberta Job Postings
Offres d’emploi en Alberta
Wages and Salaries in Alberta
Schools in Alberta
Post-Secondary Programs
Earnings by Post-Secondary Field of Study
Student Services at Post-Secondary Schools
Occupational Reports
Certifications in Alberta
Certification Requirements FAQs
Understanding NOC Codes
Survey Methodology
Survey Analysis
Employment Outlook
Occupations by High School Subject
Easy Reading Job Profiles
Where Do I Start
Know Yourself
Interests Exercise
Abilities Exercise
Core Skills Exercise
Work Values Quiz
Identify Your Experiences
Skills Quiz
Traits Quiz
Preferred Working Conditions Quiz
Multiple Intelligences Quiz
Vision Exercise
Occupational Matches Based on Both Your Interest and Abilities
Understand Your Interests
Understand Your Abilities
Explore Options
Make Your Decision
Take Action
Where Am I Right Now?
About JFR
Bull of the Woods
Crew Leaders/Sub Leaders
Crew Members
Contact Us
Career Fairs and School Visits
Official JFR Video
Jiffers of the Week
JFR Resources
Key Dates for the 2025 JFR Season
Video Blogs
Crew Leaders-in-Training
Plan Your Career
Explore Education
Look for Work
Succeed at Work
Inspire and Motivate
Tools and Resources
Working Conditions
Planifiez votre carrière
Explorez l'éducation et la formation
Chercher du travail
Réussir au travail
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